Monday, October 27, 2014

I couldn't wait to get started on my first blog post today! I’m very new to this as this is my first blog site ever but I am so excited to share helpful and positive factual information about the beneficial lifestyle that I have been living since standard 8, where I had tossed out that final chicken pie and ventured into a new and exciting world. Yes it is no lie, I am a total health nut and I love the benefits that have come along with it. -I still firmly believe though that moderate indulgence is absolutely essential! The overall aim of The Beauty of Health is to help you to feel, look and become better health wise, through providing information based on my own experiences and further research.  

 I have been fully committed to this lifestyle for almost 7 years to date. I have therefore been continuously researching healthy ways of living throughout those years, from food to exercise routines. It is not because I feel as if I HAVE to but because I enjoy it and the results are truly rewarding. Some people perceive that living a healthy lifestyle is dull and boring but NO it does not have to be. HONESTLY! :D . Most of the content posted on this site is focused on cost-effective means of living healthy as well as tasty yet still nutritious recipes. Furthermore, I will be incorporating encouraging thoughts and motivational boosters on this page to help fuel your commitment and perseverance towards attaining your fitness/health goals. And as I am within the field of PR, I will also be sharing, on occasion news related to fitness and health.

In addition to all of the above, this is a space of creative thought for anything to do with health food and fitness. It is for individuals that have recently gotten on board and are looking for a guideline, for individuals who are already living this lifestyle but are looking for new ideas to implement into their current healthy lifestyle routine and  for those that are just purely interested! Continue to watch this space! 

Remember a healthy lifestyle is about maintaining a healthy way of living life.


  1. I seriously need to read your posts! the fat, unhealthy nerd that I am needs to get into shape. I need to get a six pack for the beach...;)
    - I love how you say "moderate indulgence", I'm assuming it means I can still enjoy my Mcdonalds?

  2. Hi Patrick! Thank you for your comment. As far as research has gathered McDonalds is unfortunately a big no-no when it comes to overall health. As what they serve is not food (they diminish essential nutritions) but overly processed rubbish and prior research strongly supports my opinion as well. You can take a look at these links below on Mackie D's.
    -Two main links explaining the health hazards of McDonald's:

    - For interest sake with regards to McDonald's food issues in other countries:

    -And as I strongly believe in good business ethics, this further explains why I do not support the Big Mackie D:

    Sorry for all the links, I am just very passionate about this and also want you to be well informed. Other fast food chains that would still be acceptable would be Steers and Nando's for instance. So still indulge yes! You just need to check that you are not eating ingredients that are extremely hazardous to your health. Such as provided in the links above. Many thanks!
